

西雅图安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行致力于创造健康的, 支持, 以及从教室到中心办公室的文化响应环境. This policy establishes a 学校-based threat assessment program to provide for timely and methodical 学校-based threat assessment and management. “校本威胁评估”指的是正式程序, 由地区设立, 评估威胁, 或者潜在的威胁, 学生的行为, 以及有关威胁的情况, 揭露可能实施威胁的任何事实或证据.

School-based threat assessment programs will be supported by district level threat assessment 工作人员 in both the 学校-based threat assessment process and the management of plans created by 学校-based t像她们s to manage or reduce the threatening, 或者潜在的威胁, 学生的行为.

A safe and healthy 学校 climate is important in promoting a sense of belonging and supporting excellence for each and every 学生. Threat assessment best occurs in 学校 climates that rely on trusting relationships between family, 学生, 和工作人员, 这些都是建立在谦逊的文化基础上的, 安全, 尊重, 诚实, 问责制, 并着眼于公平. 学生的行为, 而不是学生的人口统计或个人特征, 会否成为校本威胁评估的基础. 此外,每个学校的威胁评估都将采用公平的视角. 这一镜头还能识别出可能导致过度反应或不必要纪律的偏见. 威胁评估过程与学生纪律不同. The mere fact that the district is conducting a threat assessment does not by itself necessitate 悬架 or expulsion, 学区不会对学生进行休学或开除, 包括紧急清除, 仅仅 调查学生行为或进行威胁评估. 进一步, 悬架, or other removal from the 学校 environment may create the risk of triggering either an immediate or a delayed violent behavioral response, 除非这些行动与遏制和支持相结合. 然而, nothing in this policy precludes district 工作人员 from acting immediately to address an imminent threat, 包括紧急撤离, if the district has sufficient cause to believe that the 学生’s presence poses an immediate and continuing danger to 其他学生

or 学校 工作人员 or an immediate and continuing threat of material and substantial disruption of the educational process. 如果受到纪律处分, the district will follow all conditions and limitations set forth in the 华盛顿 Administrative Code and outlined in the Basic Rules of 正规的棋牌平台排行榜 document, 其中包括, 但不限于, 家长/监护人通知和纪律申诉及上诉的权利.

的结构 以学校为基础的 威胁评估小组

总监应建立并确保多学科的培训, 多机构威胁评估小组或不止一个这样的小组为地区学校服务. 由于威胁评估小组必须是多学科和多机构的, 而且必须接受过解决隐性偏见和挑战系统性种族主义的培训, it may include persons who have relationships or knowledge of the 学生 and/or relevant expertise, 如:

  • 学校领导,如校长或其他学校领导
  • 地区威胁评估小组成员
  • 咨询,如学校辅导员,学校心理学家和/或学校社会工作者
  • 社区资源
  • 特殊教育教师
  • 实习教育人员
  • 其他学区或学校职员

并非每个多学科团队成员都需要参与每一次威胁评估. 当面对潜在的威胁时, 或者指向, 接受特殊教育服务的学生, 威胁评估小组必须包括一名特殊教育教师.

虽然父母, 监护人, 作为威胁评估过程的一部分,通常会对家庭成员进行面谈, 这名学生及其家人都不是威胁评估小组的成员. This does not diminish the district’s commitment that 学校 工作人员 will make every reasonable attempt to notify the parents/监护人 of the alleged threat and to involve parents/监护人 and the 学生 in the resolution of the 学生’s behavioral violations, 符合董事会政策编号. 3240, 学生行为和纪律反应, 以及正规的棋牌平台排行榜的学生权利和责任文件.


每个威胁评估小组成员, 是否一个老师, 辅导员, 学校领导, 其他教职员, 承包商, 顾问, 志愿者, 或者其他个人, functions as a “学校 official with a legitimate educational interest” in educational records controlled and maintained by the district. The district provides the threat assessment t像她们 access to educational records as specified by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). No member of a threat assessment t像她们 shall use any 学生 record beyond the prescribed purpose of the threat assessment t像她们 or re-disclose records obtained by being a member of the threat assessment t像她们, 除非FERPA允许.


  • 识别并评估学生的威胁性行为, 或者潜在的威胁, 自我, 其他学生, 工作人员, 学校的游客, 或者学校财产. Threats of self-harm or suicide unaccompanied by threats of harm to others should be promptly evaluated according to 董事会的政策 No. 2145,预防自杀;
  • Gathers and analyzes information about the 学生’s behavior to determine a level of concern for the threat. 威胁评估小组可以与报告威胁的人进行面谈, 威胁的接收者或目标, 其他知道威胁的证人, 在合理的情况下, 涉嫌从事威胁行为或交流的个人. The purpose of the interviews is to evaluate the individual’s threat in context to determine the meaning of the threat and intent of the individual. 威胁评估小组可以要求并取得地区所拥有的记录, 包括学生教育, 健康记录, 以及犯罪记录信息. 获取信息的目的是评估情境变量, 而不是学生的人口统计或个人特征;
  • 决定了性质, 持续时间, 风险的严重程度以及政策的合理修改, 实践, 或者程序会降低风险. The threat assessment t像她们 will not base a determination of threat on generalizations or stereotypes. 而, 威胁评估小组进行个性化评估, 基于合理判断, 现有的最佳客观证据, 或目前的医疗证据(如适用);
  • 根据董事会政策编号的要求,发出暴力或伤害威胁的通知. 3143, Notification and Dissemination of Information about Student Offenses and Notification of Threats of Violence or Harm;
  • 相互之间进行合法和合乎道德的沟通, 学校领导, 以及其他需要了解特定信息的学校工作人员
  • support the 安全 and well-being of the 学校, its 学生s, and its 工作人员; and
  • 及时向主管或指定人员报告其决定.
  • 取决于关注的程度而定, the threat assessment t像她们 develops and implements supports and intervention strategies to shape and change the 学生’s behavior in ways that promote a safe, 积极的, 一致的, 以及可预测的教学环境, 不将该学生驱逐出学校.
  • In cases where the 学生 whose behavior is threatening 或者潜在的威胁 also has a disability, the threat assessment t像她们 aligns supports and intervention strategies with the 学生’s individualized education program (IEP) or the 学生’s plan developed under Section 504 of the rehabilitation act of 1973 (Section 504 plan) by coordinating with the 学生’s IEP t像她们 or Section 504 plan t像她们. Although some of the functions of a 学校-based threat assessment may run parallel to the functions of a 学生’s IEP t像她们 or Section 504 plan t像她们, 以学校为基础的威胁评估与这些团队和过程仍然不同.
  • 数据收集、审查和报告
  • The Superintendent shall establish procedures for collecting and submitting data related to the 学校-based threat assessment program that comply with OSPI’s monitoring requirements, 流程, 和指导方针.
  • 其他 t问的 校本Threat Assessment T像她们
  • The threat assessment t像她们 may also participate in other tasks that manage or reduce threatening 或者潜在的威胁 behavior and increase physical and psychological 安全. 这可能包括:
  • Providing guidance to 学生s 和工作人员 regarding recognition of behavior that may represent a threat to 学生s, 工作人员, 学校, 社区, 或者个人;
  • Providing informational resources for community services boards or health care providers for medical evaluation or treatment, 适当的;
  • Assessing individuals other than 学生s whose behavior poses a threat to the 安全 of 学生s or 工作人员 and notify the Superintendent or designee of such an individual.

The Superintendent or their designee is granted the authority to develop procedures to implement this policy.