



The 正规的棋牌平台排行榜 领导合规/工作计划n has been developed to comply with the Washington Industrial Safety and Health Act (WISHA) requirement for a written program. The Plan outlines engineering and work practice controls to reduce employee exposure to lead below the permissible exposure limit.

Word version and pdf version of the 领导合规/工作计划n is also available upon request.





The Seattle School District’s 领导合规/工作计划n has been developed to comply with the Washington Industrial Safety and Health Act (WISHA) requirement for a written program to achieve compliance with WAC 296-155-17607. The Plan outlines engineering and work practice controls implemented to reduce employee exposure to lead below the permissible exposure limit to the extent that such controls are feasible.

Site Location

这个计划包括安全撤离, handling, and disposal procedures for exterior lead based paint (LBP) at: Provide Site Name and Address Here

Scope of Work

Provide a general description of work activities that are expected to disturb lead-based paint. 包括对所涉及的建筑部件的位置和类型的描述.



地区将指定一位合资格人士, 如WAC 296-155-17605所定义, 对于需要此领导合规/工作计划的项目. The 有能力的人 will be present on the job site throughout all phases of the project to ensure work is performed in accordance with the plan.


The District will perform initial monitoring of employees who may be exposed to airborne concentrations of lead at or above the action level. Monitoring will be representative of a full shift for the job with the highest anticipated lead exposure.

监测频率按照WAC 296-155-17609(6). 如果接触评估结果表明员工接触铅等于或高于

50ug/m³ the District will modify engineering controls and work practices as necessary to reduce exposure below the PEL. After modifications have been made the District will perform additional monitoring to determine the effectiveness of the modifications.


Because District employees are not engaged in lead related activities for more than 30 days in any 12 months it is not expected that they would be exposed to lead at or above the action level for more than 30 days per year. 基于类似项目的暴露评估和过去的生物监测, 该地区预计没有必要建立一个医疗监测项目.

However, the District will make available initial medical surveillance to employees who may be occupationally exposed to lead at or above the action level of 30μg/m³. Initial medical surveillance consists of biological monitoring in the form of blood sampling analysis for lead and zinc protoporphyrin levels. 如果样品结果显示明显的铅暴露,可能需要额外的样品.


An employee will be removed from the job if his/her blood lead level is 30μg/dl or greater. 当员工被解雇时, 或者其他限制, they will be assigned to a task that will not result in exposure to lead at or above the action level of 30μg/m³. The employee may return to his/her former assignment when a qualified physician determines that the employee is no longer at risk from exposure to lead or when the employee’s blood level is less than 25μg/dl.


All employees who are potentially subject to exposure to lead at or above the action level on any day will be trained in accordance with WAC 296-155-17625. 培训将包括但不限于以下内容:

  • 适用标准和附录的内容;
  • The site specific nature of the operations which could result in exposure to lead above the action level;
  • 呼吸器的用途、正确选择、装配、使用和限制;
  • The purpose and a description of the medical surveillance program, and the medical removal program;
  • 与员工分配相关的工程控制和工作实践, 包括培训员工遵守相关的良好工作规范;
  • The contents of this compliance program; Instruction of the use of chelating agents;
  • 雇员查阅记录的权利.


Employees entering the lead work area will wear 1/2 mask air purifying respirators with high efficiency filters. 呼吸器的使用应符合本地区的呼吸保护计划.


进入主要工作区域的员工必须穿一次性全身工作服, gloves, 还有眼睛保护. 工作服包括头和脚.


The lead work area will be demarcated with caution tape at least 20 feet around the lead work activities. Warning signs of sufficient size to be clearly legible will be displayed at the lead work area. 至少,标志将包括以下信息:


Where employee exposure to lead is above the PEL, signs will include the following information:

"警告" "铅工作区" "有毒"




  • 禁止在主要工作区域内吃、喝、吸烟、化妆.
  • Prior to exiting the lead work area employees will remove LBP debris from protective clothing with a HEPA vacuum.
  • 立即离开主要工作区域, protective clothing will be removed in a designated clean area and placed into a plastic bag or drum for disposal.
  • 离开洁净区后立即, 每位员工将洗脸并擦干脸, head, 还有手和吸尘衣服, if necessary.
    • Additionally, 哪些地方的员工接触铅的量高于PEL, 卫生习惯包括:
      • 在可行的情况下提供淋浴设施.
      • Clean change area equipped with separate storage facilities for protective clothing/equipment and for street clothes that prevents cross contamination.



  • 所有表面应保持合理的无铅堆积. 在每班结束时,将检查主要工作区域是否有可见的LBP碎片.
  • Cleaning of surfaces where lead accumulates will be accomplished by vacuuming or other methods that minimize the likelihood of lead becoming airborne.
  • Where vacuuming methods are not effective, wet sweeping will be used to collect LBP debris.
  • 在使用真空吸尘器的地方,吸尘器会配备高效微粒空气过滤器吗.
  • 压缩空气不能用于清除任何表面上的铅.



有裂缝的地方, peeling, 或松散的油漆表面, 表面将被刮擦或打磨以去除任何松散的油漆. Lead based paint will be removed by manual wet scraping and sanding methods only; mechanical methods will not be used.

塑料布将从待准备的表面延伸至少6英尺. Debris generated from scraping will be collected using a HEPA vacuum or sweeping if the debris has been wetted. No scraping will occur in high wind conditions unless appropriate wind breaks are erected.


Collected LBP debris will be stored in labeled lead waste containers and secured at the end of each shift. 含铅废物容器将与非含铅废物容器分开存放.

All lead waste will be disposed of in accordance with local, state, and federal requirements.